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Over the last 10 years, fuller and shapelier buttock profiles have become desirable, prompting women to seek out surgical options to achieve a rounder, higher, plumper buttocks through surgery. Some women were born with a flat or disproportionately small derrière that appears out of proportion with the rest of the body, giving an unbalanced, less attractive body contour. Pregnancy, weight loss, aging, or genetics can leave the buttocks area looking small, flat or saggy.

A buttock enhancement procedure may require placing implants, or the use of your own extracted fat. Dr. Kevin Rose, owner and head surgeon of The Rose Clinic in Salt Lake City, Utah, is familiar with women’s concerns and uses state-of-the-art surgical practices to create a rounder, plumper backside that looks and feels natural in his Utah Brazilian butt lift.

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Who is a Good Candidate for Buttock Enhancement?

Some women have trouble finding clothes that fit as the buttocks are out of proportion, or they want to add curvature for a more appealing look. If you have negative feelings about your body, and the look of your buttocks leaves you feeling self-conscious, you may be a good candidate for buttock enhancement. Discuss your medical history and any medications you’re taking with your doctor during your initial consultation to help in determining whether you are a candidate for a buttocks enhancement procedure.

Autologous Fat Transfer

Also known as a Brazilian butt lift, this type of procedure involves extracting fat from another area of the body to enhance the buttocks. Liposuction is used to remove fat from another part of the body, such as the stomach, thighs, flanks, or back. The fat is then purified and prepared for transfer. This procedure has the added benefit of trimming unwanted fat from your body, for a more sculpted look. The purified fat is then skillfully injected into the buttocks area to add lift, roundness, and volume.

To ensure the highest possible rate of fat survival, 10 to 15 sessions of hyperbaric oxygen treatments are highly recommended during recovery from an autologous fat transfer procedure.

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Both types of surgery involve a few weeks of recovery time. Your healing will be monitored, and more vigorous activities such as exercise can be slowly added back into your daily routine. Side effects are mild and managed with pain medication. Dr. Rose will provide detailed aftercare instructions and schedule follow-up appointments to watch over the healing process.

Kevin Rose, MD

Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Kevin Rose delivers some of the best plastic surgery Utah has to offer and brings many special qualities. Not only is he a respected, highly-skilled plastic surgeon, but he also brings an uncommon level of artistry to every procedure he performs. Dr. Rose is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons, where his skills have led to his reputation as one of the finest plastic surgeons in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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Brazilian Butt Lift Utah

Come to Salt Lake City for Your Buttock Enhancement

The Rose Clinic in Provo, Utah is a plastic surgery center owned and operated by Dr. Kevin Rose for more than a decade of service. His commitment to quality, producing natural-looking results, and patient care make him one of the most sought-after plastic surgeons in the state. He and his friendly staff will make you feel at home, and will help you enhance your body contour by creating a plump, rounded backside with arguably the best Brazilian butt lift Utah has to offer.

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