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Rediscover Youthful Confidence with Breast Lift Surgery

As women age, their breasts can begin to sag and lose firmness, negatively impacting confidence and self-esteem. Breast shape and firmness are common insecurities for women, a breast lift can improve the appearance of your breasts without implants, although many patients opt to have a breast lift as well as implants placed in a single surgery. A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, is a procedure to restore youthful fullness to breasts by removing excess skin and repositioning and reshaping the existing tissue.

Dr. Kevin Rose of The Rose Clinic is trusted in the Salt Lake City area for his artistry and skill in creating a beautiful breast profile. Dr. Rose can restore your self-confidence and pleasure in the appearance of your breasts with breast lift surgery in the Salt Lake City & Provo, Utah areas.

The Rose Clinic: Breast Surgery

With a very comprehensive approach to breast surgery, Dr. Kevin Rose addresses many areas of concern for patients. While performing breast surgery to enhance size, shape and volume; correct deformities or asymmetry, or reduce size, Dr. Rose takes the procedure to the next level in order to perfect the framing of the breast and achieve the ideal breast form for the patient.

3D Animated Breast Lift Video

Is a Breast Lift Right for You?

While a breast lift can reshape your breast tissue and give them a more youthful position on your chest, this procedure does not increase breast size but usually reduces it. Women who want higher, firmer, larger breasts will require both a breast lift and a breast augmentation.

Many times the breast lift simply contours the breast tissues to the breast implant. The implant is responsible for the long-lasting shape and fullness. However with our, plausibly the best breast lift Salt Lake City has to offer, we can improve the look of saggy, droopy breasts from pregnancy and breastfeeding, from significant weight loss, or due to aging. You should consider a breast lift in Salt Lake City, Utah at The Rose Clinic if:

  • You are unsatisfied with the saggy look of your breasts
  • Your breasts are asymmetrical
  • Your nipples and areolas point downward

Breast Lift Procedure

Once you arrive at The Rose Clinic for your surgery, you will be marked and prepped for the procedure. Once you are comfortable and ready to begin, the procedure will consist of the following steps:


Breast lift Utah specialist, Dr. Rose, will administer general anesthesia to make you more comfortable during the procedure. Your comfort, health, and safety are carefully monitored throughout the procedure.


There are three common incision patterns based on the shape of your breasts and what you want to achieve. Your surgery may involve two incisions around the areola, or around the areola and down to the breast crease, or around the areola and down to the breast crease and along the breast crease.

Restructuring Your Breasts

Once the incisions are in place, the revisions are made. This can include reshaping breast tissue to improve shape or fullness, adjusting the height of the nipple and areola, reducing the size of the areolas, and removing excess skin and breast tissue that has begun to droop and sag.

Finishing up

Your incisions will be closed using stitches, surgical tape, skin adhesives, or a combination. Most incision lines will be hidden in the natural lines of the breast. The hidden scars fade with time.

Schedule Consultation

You will be observed for a short time, and your doctor will provide aftercare instructions for you. All instructions must be followed so your incisions heal properly, and as quickly as possible.

Lift & Augmentation Journey with The Rose Clinic

Breast Lift Utah

Mastopexy Recovery

A breast lift procedure requires one to four hours, depending on what is necessary for creating the look you want. It may take up to two weeks of recovery before you can return to work, but more time off is needed for those who have physically demanding job duties. Pain, swelling, soreness near the incisions, and bruising are common during the first two weeks of healing, managed with pain medication and antibiotics prescribed by our surgeon.

Most patients can see an immediate improvement in the shape and fullness of their breasts, but the breasts may change slightly as the tissue settles into its new position over 3 months. You will have follow-up appointments with our plastic surgeon to ensure healing is proceeding as it should.

The Rose Clinic Difference

Dr. Kevin Rose has owned and operated The Rose Clinic in the Salt Lake City area since 2004. He is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons and is highly regarded for his breast enhancement procedures; and is committed to excellence in surgery, and to providing patients with warm, personal care and attention. We focus on beautiful results and patient health by using the safest surgical procedures for patients seeking the best breast lift Salt Lake City has to offer. Contact our facility if you are unhappy with the lift and fullness of your breasts and would like to discuss treatment options with Dr. Rose.

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