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If you experience pain during sexual intercourse or other physical activities due to an elongated labia minora, you are not alone. Many women have excess, often asymmetric skin in their genital area that can make intimate moments awkward and painful. A labiaplasty is a procedure that reduces the size of the labia minora in women who have labia minora that are stretched or asymmetrical. The goal of our Utah labiaplasty is to trim excess skin from the labia minora so that it is more visually appealing and reduces discomfort.

Our skilled Utah plastic surgeon at The Rose Clinic can help you regain confidence and reduce pain caused by tugging or twisting of the labia minora.

Who is a good

Our Salt Lake City Labiaplasty may be an option for women who have pain or insecurities regarding this most intimate area. You may consider surgery if:

  • Your labia minora are visible outside your labia majora
  • You experience twisting, tugging, or pain during physical activities
  • You experience itching or irritation in the genital area
  • Your labia minora are asymmetrical
  • You feel self-conscious about the appearance of your genital area
  • You experience more frequent urinary tract infections or yeast infections due to misshapen or oversized labia minora.

During your initial consultation with our plastic surgeon, a full medical history will be required to assist in determining whether you are a good candidate for the procedure.

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Labiaplasty Procedure

On the day of your surgery, the first step is getting you prepped for the procedure. You will be given a general anesthetic to perform this procedure. The procedure involves the surgical trimming of the excess tissue on the labia minora so the area is now hidden within the labia majora. The incisions will be closed with dissolving sutures and you will be given detailed aftercare instructions. The entire procedure takes about one to two hours and is performed on an outpatient basis, allowing you to return home after surgery.

Recovery & Aftercare

Labiaplasty Utah

Most patients who receive a labiaplasty in Salt Lake City will need to take at least one week off to rest and recover. Common side effects are mild and treatable with the pain medication and antibiotics you will be prescribed by Dr. Rose. Our doctor will advise when it is safe for you to resume normal activities. Recovery is expected after a few weeks, and as the area heals, you will see the smooth, attractive look created through Dr. Rose’s artistic abilities and attention to detail.

Come to Our Facility in Salt Lake City for Labiaplasty

If you experience discomfort or pain due to elongated or stretched skin on the labia minora, you may be a candidate for labiaplasty. The procedure is relatively quick and can help you regain your self-confidence and avoid the pain and discomfort you have experienced prior to surgery. Dr. Kevin Rose has been in practice since 2004 and prioritizes patient comfort and is known for producing high-quality results. The Rose Clinic is located in Provo, Utah, and Dr. Rose is highly regarded as a plastic surgeon, and known for his commitment to creating natural-looking surgical outcomes. If you are concerned about the pain or inconveniences caused by stretched labia minora, schedule an initial consultation with The Rose Clinic to see if you are a good candidate for arguably the greatest labiaplasty Utah has to offer.

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What is the difference between labiaplasty and vaginal rejuvenation?

Simply put, labiaplasty improves the appearance outside of the vagina and vaginal rejuvenation addresses tightness and sensation inside the vaginal canal.

The labia minora can become stretched over time, causing discomfort or pain during exercise or other activities. Labiaplasty involves trimming excess skin to improve the overall appearance and reduce embarrassment or insecurity.

The term “vaginal rejuvenation” can refer to a few different procedures. Most commonly vaginal rejuvenation involves tightening the muscles or stimulating tissue growth inside the vagina. The tighter vaginal muscles can lead to increased sexual pleasure for you and your partner.

During your discreet and confidential initial consultation in Salt Lake City, Dr. Rose will discuss your concerns and help you decide if labiaplasty is right for you.

How long does labiaplasty take?

Most labiaplasty procedures take one hour or less to complete. You will need to arrive a few minutes early, and you will need to be prepped before the procedure can begin. Your entire appointment should last between one to two hours.

The surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, so you can drive yourself home the same day. If you traveled to us from outside the Provo area, you may need a companion to drive instead.

How much downtime can I expect?

Downtime will vary among individuals. You will likely need to take five to seven days off work. Your time off will depend on your line of work and level of physical activity.

You should wear loose clothing and follow all aftercare instructions provided by Dr. Rose. You will also need to refrain from strenuous exercise and sexual intercourse for six weeks. When reintroducing these activities into your routine, listen to your body. If you experience pain, stop and try again in a few days.

How can I prepare for my labiaplasty procedure?

After your initial consultation with our skilled Salt Lake City surgeon, you will have a clear outline of things you can do to prepare for your surgery. They may include:

  • Reducing or eliminating alcoholic beverages and smoking
  • Discontinuing or altering the dosage of certain medications or supplements
  • Packing a bag with a loose, comfortable outfit for after your surgery
  • Filling out any paperwork you need to bring back to our clinic
  • Staying healthy and hydrated

Also, it’s important to get any and all questions answered before your procedure. The decision to have labiaplasty is a very personal one, and you should be well-informed before committing to the procedure.

How will labiaplasty affect sensation and sexual satisfaction?

Some women are concerned with losing sensation after surgery, but it is often quite the opposite. Complications are not common with labiaplasty and loss of sensation is rare.

In fact, many women with stretched labia minora report discomfort during sexual intercourse, exercise, and other activities. Reducing the labia minora also decreases the likelihood of uncomfortable tugging and pulling. Sexual activities are often more pleasurable after surgery. Reducing insecurities can also give you a confidence boost in and out of the bedroom.


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