Are you looking for a treatment to help rejuvenate your face, but want a very minimal recovery time? At the Rose Clinic we are happy to offer a revolutionary new treatment called the E-Matrix. With the E-matrix you are able to get exceptional results with very little down time. We are able to do this by using sublative technology. The E-matrix system utilizes Sublative RF™ – fractionated bi-polar radio frequency technology, it places the heat energy effectively into the dermis through very small holes where it can produce significant impact in the dermal layer of skin with minimal epidermal disruption. After your E-Matrix treatment you can expect improvement in fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring, tone and texture. It is recommended to do a series of up to 6 treatments but you will notice improvement after just one. Where traditional lasers would have to stop around your eyes, we don’t with the E-Matrix. We are able to treat upper and lower eyelids. If you are looking for a quick, effective, safe way to help rejuvenate your skin we have the answer! Please call our office at (801) 375-7673 to make an appointment today or visit our website for more information.
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